Background of EAC


The East Africa College was established in 2013 with its headquarters in Yabello, Borana district, Oromia regional state, with the aim of enhancing education for Ethiopians. It was a private owned HEI that has the objective of Teaching and learning, Research and Community services in scientific, technical and professional fields of study, and of utilizing these studies in the field of research for contributing to the economic and social necessities of Ethiopia and other developing countries.

The Collage has three campuses

The East Africa College offers a substantial scholarship to students from low-income families as well as its employees. EAC has offered free education to over 100 students, including its own employees, since its establishment.

The College’s Head Quarters shall Adama campus located on the main road linking Adama to Finfinne, on the 2nd to 5th floors of the Adama-Ras Hotel Building.

The East Africa College is currently providing education in TVET, Degree, and Masters Programs.